Olimpia Martinotti, founder & chief content strategist

With a background in both molecular biology and creative storytelling, New Lore Co. was forged out of the need that brands must tell unique, authentic narratives that differentiate them in a meaningful way and the lack of agencies that could meet that need.

After working at traditional agencies that merely scratched the surface of branding or content strategy, Olimpia Martinotti left to begin her own agency, one that would be rooted firmly in the understanding that the human brain hungers for compelling stories. And with the unique methodology to tell such stories.

Now with a team of talented freelance professionals that understand our methodology, New Lore Co. offers design, branding, and content strategy services to brands that are tired of traditional advertising that lacks impact.

We distill the unique narrative your brand embodies, or will embody, and flesh out a communication strategy around it that is as unique to your brand as a fingerprint.

Portrait of Olimpia Martinotti

Meet our Storyteller Allies

your guides and partners on this journey

While not part of the permanent New Lore Co. team, the following Allies  represent the vibrant network of freelance professionals and partner agencies that we either bring on board to assist as needed, or refer clients to when they need additional services that we do not provide in-house, such as complex coding or paid ad management. We trust the below individuals wholeheartedly and have come to expect only the most thoughtful, professional results from each of them.

Johnathan Fernandez


Jonathan is skilled at paid ads, especially on Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and lead generation.

Smaranda Domosaru

The Sailboat Agency

Smaranda is our expert partner in marketing strategy, Google and Social Media PPC, email and text marketing, & market research.

norman j. coburn

Darien Technology

Norman and Darien Tech are our preferred partners with all things coding, from app development to complex website coding solutions.

Victoria Martinotti


Victoria assists us as our creative director and freelance illustrator on a project-by-project basis. As an accomplished painter with a Master’s, her vision is invaluable.

America C.


America assists us as a freelance copywriter, in both English and Spanish, and is an accomplished poet with multiple published poetic anthologies.

Manuela Zapata


Manuela has 8 years of experience in customer service and project management and assists in keeping large projects organized and progressing smoothly.

atoms + stories

“Scientists say that human beings are made of atoms, but a little bird told me that we are also made of stories.”

eduardo galeano

The NEW LORE CO. Difference

Founded by his daughter, New Lore Co. is based on the original methodology developed by Massimo Martinotti of Starlight Effect for corporate storytelling, whose legacy we continue as an agency capable of translating and executing his methodology into tangible brand elements.

From visual branding, content strategy, and thoughtful copywriting, our team is experienced in the vital elements of impactful storytelling and can help brands stand out from among their competition, connect authentically with their audience, and adopt the tools to grow a legendary brand.

With Olimpia at the helm, who has helped small businesses see 60% more growth with a better content strategy, and a team of marketers, copywriters, and web developers, New Lore Co. is poised to help brands unlock what sets them apart.

Based out of Miami, Florida, we have helped clients across the US, Canada, and Latin America tell better stories.

Let’s get started

Our Mission


Get to Know Our Values

What we stand for & who we stand with

Supporting Expectant Moms

We are happy to provide discounted branding and help strategize your business so that expectant mothers can find prosperity, follow their dreams, AND embrace motherhood. We believe that women are so much stronger than their circumstances and that we rise to incredible challenges a million times every day. If we can help a woman face her circumstances with the tangible tools to face them with confidence, then that’s the ally we wish to be.​​​​​​​​ 

If you are an expectant mother looking into entrepreneurship, reach out to us in regards to discounted strategy and branding services.

Supporting our Veterans

We have many veterans we love in our life, including Olimpia’s father and her boyfriend. We fully support our servicemembers and thank them honestly and wholeheartedly for their sacrifices. We are dedicated to ensuring the success of veterans in the civilian world after their retirement, so we provide pro bono copywriting assistance for veterans that need help writing their resumes.

We also provide a discount on other services as they embark in entrepreneurship.

If you are a veteran in need of help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.